The HID OMNIKEY 5421 reader represents the ultimate combination of contact and contactless technology in a single device. The solution features a dual interface, PC-linked reader that reads / writes to both a 13.56 MHz contactless smart card and technology and virtually any contact smart card to support environments where both contact and contactless smart card technologies are required.
Key features
- Supports three ISO standards for contactless cards (ISO 14443 A / B and 15693) and the ISO 7816 industry standards for contact cards.
- Native CCID implementation for contact readers, supporting WINDOWS®, LINUX®  and MAC®.
- Supports EMD suppression on contactless interface.
- Supports standard iCLASS®, MIFARE™ and MIFARE DESFire™, as well as tags and new technologies such as NFC devices.
- Includes new OMNIKEY desktop family housing.